Thursday, April 5, 2018

How To Get A Flat Stomach

How To Get A Flat Stomach 

How To Get A Flat Stomach
Online Client Sheds 26 pounds and gets Awesome Abs with Hitch Fit!

Today’s awesome transformation is Jacque!! This little lady was inspired by two former Hitch Fit transformations, Heather and MacKenna, she decided that if they could do it, she could do it! And she was absolutely right!! Jacque changed up her former fast food diet, started eating clean and committed to her 12 Week Lose Weight Feel Great program, and ended up going from 137 pounds to 111, and 29.3% body fat down to 17.8%! She even had a trip to Italy prior to doing her after pictures, so is proof that you can make good choices even while traveling and maintain your weight loss success! Great job Jacque, very proud of your hard work!!

Jacque’s Stats:
Starting weight: 137
Ending weight: 111
Starting body fat: 29.3%
Ending body fat: 17.8%

Read More about Jacque’s story…

How To Get A Flat Stomach appeared first on Hitch Fit Online Training

How To Get A Flat Stomach posted first on

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