Friday, February 9, 2018

Hot Bikini Mom

Hot Bikini Mom Hot Bikini Mom - Mother’s Dramatic Before and After Pictures and Story -
Brandi started at 38.7% Bodyfat which is only 1.3% away from being Morbidy Obese, even though her bodyweight wasn’t majorly overweight her body was made up of almost 40% fat. For her to drop her bodyfat to under 20%, its just AMAZING.. she turned her life around 100% now being in a bikini/athletic range of body fat. What she did body wise was very amazing but how she changed inside is what really hit home for me. I know how important it is for herself and her family for the rest of her life. I also know that she can now teach those around her that they can do it too. This mother is now looking like a Bikini Model and So confident that she can take on anything that presents itself.

Brandi’s Story:
My story with Micah and Hitch Fit begins and ends with tears. I am a mother, a wife, a business owner, and a friend to many. But before I met Micah, I felt very empty inside - even though my outside surroundings were full and vibrant. Read more at:

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